JEDI advocates the rights of people to a safe, healthy, sustainable environment by promoting climate change awareness and environmental protection. The world needs to shift to green and inclusive development. It starts with us, now.
Human, ecology and climate
What's the connection?
We live in a highly urbanised world today, where more than half of the world population now lives in cities and suburbs. However, our connection with nature and its ecological functions has become even more detached than ever. Scientists and conservationists have rang the caution that our planet has been so altered that ecosystems could be near a tipping point.
Urgent calls for living harmoniously with nature often went unheeded - as the rampant exploitation of the environment continues to rapidly deplete the most important assets of life-supporting functions which nature offers freely to human beings.
Everything from clean water and air, flood control and climate regulation, food, and a host of other services comes from nature. To protect nature, is to protect life.

Volunteer With Us
Get involved and connected in the movement by signing up on JEDI's expanding list of volunteers.
How To Take Action
Here are several ways you can take action today.

Beach cleaning
Do it yourself
Invite your
friends &
Invite your
friends &

Host a screening
Do it yourself
try virtual
try virtual

Zero waste initiatives
Do it yourself
reduce the use
of plastic
reduce the use
of plastic
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